Jade is a Gythia (Priestess) in Ásatrú, the traditional practices of the peoples of the Norse and Germanic peoples. Their Master of Social Work research focused on trans women and religion, and have sat on many interfaith panels regarding LGBTQ2+ people and faith. Jade believes in being able to provide affirming spiritual care for people of various spiritual and religious beliefs, sexual orientations, genders, and relationship styles.
Commitment Ceremonies
Committing to a partner or partners your expression of love and dedication is a special moment. Jade is overjoyed to craft a commitment ceremony that is inclusive of all involved. For legal wedding officiant status Jade works with Reverend Terrie Brookins of All Seasons Weddings.
Change of Life Ceremonies
Ceremonies for a change of life can change your experience of it for the better. There are many important change of life ceremonies that we have unfortunately lost. Jade is happy to work with you to create a ceremony as unique as you, or your family member (blood or chosen). These include coming of age ceremonies, end of relationship ceremonies, transition ceremonies (for trans and non-binary people), as well as death and grief ceremonies.
Spiritual Counseling
What is missing from a lot of counseling is some form of spiritual care. Most counseling removes and ignores that portion of the person. As a social worker and clergy member, Jade will be pursuing legal registration as a counselor. Currently this service is not yet available.